Snack Attack

Sleep, work, play, exercise. Always on the go? We share 5 delicious apple snacks to keep you going like a Boeing!

Snack #1: Plain yoghurt with apples, nuts and cinnamon
What can be simpler than half a cup of plain Greek yoghurt to which you’ve added sliced JOYA® apples, unsalted nuts and a good sprinkling of cinnamon? It certainly makes for a healthy alternative to sugar-sweetened yoghurt.

Pack in a plastic container and pop into your lunch bag for a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack. If you’ll only be enjoying your snack later in the day, roll the sliced apple in a squirt of lemon juice first – this way, the apple won’t turn brown.

Snack #2: Apple, peanut butter and honey stacks
Get the kids to help – these little snacks are easy and fun to make.

Snack #3: Apple and pineapple smoothie
No time for lengthy meal prep? Smoothies are the way to go.

Tip: Add a tablespoon of whey protein for an extra energy boost.

Snack #4: Apple chips
Apple chips are quick and easy to make, and oh-so crunchy.

Snack #5: Chocolate-dipped apple slices
Use good-quality dark chocolate for these wicked little snacks.

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